For all the students who joined in NUIST this semester, there will be Orientation Class since September 22nd. It is a compulsory course and will have a final exam after the classes. Please follow the schedule below and attend the classes on time.
For all the students who joined in NUIST this semester, there will be Orientation Class since September 22nd. It is a compulsory course and will have a final exam after the classes. Please follow the schedule below and attend the classes on time.
地址:江苏省南京市宁六路219号NUIST备80030 南京信息工程大学 版权所有
电话:0086-25-58699856(院办);0086-25-58695670(学办); 0086-25-58699848(招办); 0086-25-58731402(教务)