
International Meteorology Student Association (IMSA) hosted its Autumn 2023 training on Data science and software, which included, CDO. Grads, and SPSS. The comprehensive training spanned 10 weeks, from the first week of October to the first week of December. Sessions took place at the Reading Academy building every Wednesday and Friday.The objective of the training

To share knowledge and skills on fundamental programs and tools that can assist students in their academic careers and practical work for the future.

Training Moderator

The master moderator for the Autumn training was Mr. Justus Mbawala, IMSA General Secretary. He adeptly coordinated, monitored, and effectively communicated training information and notices with the trainers.

CDO training

Climate Data Operator (CDO) was facilitated by Mr. Nyasulu Matthews, a PhD Candidate in Applied Meteorology. CDO is a crucial tool for climate data pre-processing and statistical analysis. The main sections covered during the training included Understanding the basic format of Netcdf file types, data manipulation, data rescaling, data re-gridding, and statistical analysis.

Data Science and Research for Meteorology.   

The Data science and research for meteorology science training was facilitated by Mr. Kyaw Than Oo (PhD candidate). The session covered backgrounds of climate and meteorology science, fundamental types of data, data collection techniques, key factors for high-quality experimental design, elements of good quantitative research design, interpreting results of experiments, methodology, sampling, data structure, data processing, problem identification, data, sources, research writing, the structure of good paper, writing order and other relevant topics.

GrADS Training

The Grads Training was conducted by Mr. Kyaw Than Oo (PhD candidate in Meteorology) and Mr., Mathew (PhD candidate in Applied Meteorology). The Session covered GrADS basic commands and plotting, Temporal-spatial figure plotting, Figure interpreting, and advanced figure plotting using CDO and GrADS.

SPSS Training

The SPSS segment was also conducted by Kyaw Than, covering the SPSS user interface explanation, Statistical analysis with Excel sheet data, Statistical graph and chart plotting, and Correlation and Regression analysis, including the concept of ANOVA test. The training encompassed both theoretical understanding and practical application.

Closing and Certification

The closing ceremony and certificate awarding took place on December 8th, 2023. During the event, the IMSA General Secretary delivered the closing remarks, acknowledging all parties that contributed to the successful completion of the training program. He also announced IMSA's commitment to continue the next training program during the winter break. Certificates prepared for the trainers and trainees were awarded by the IMSA President and Vice-President.