【EVENT】 DAD: The scarf weaving


The scarf weaving


Besides daily management of student life in various dormitories, the dormitory administrators have embarked on equipping students with various extracurricular skills. Extracurricular skills are important to students as they may help to broaden social skills, as well as interpersonal interaction. On the 25th of November, 2021, the dormitory administrators organized the “Scarf weaving” activity.

The students learned how to make a scarf using hand knitting. Historically,  knitting can be traced back to 2000 years ago when a pair of socks made by knit weaving appeared in an Egyptian tomb. Hand knitting spread over the globe in the 13th century. In China, knit weaving became common from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the 1970s and 1980s.

Below is the photographic summary of the event.

The dorm administrators introducing the class



Students practicing how to make a scarf by hand knitting




The Domestic Affairs Department DAD will be updating students on the upcoming events organized by the dormitory administrators.